02 Iyul 2020 00:25
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Azerbaijan Republic

Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project

Loan No./Credit No./ Grant No.: P122812, Ln 8286Az

Assignment title: Preparation web portal of ATLAS

Reference No.: AZ-AACD-161352-CS-INDV

The Government of Azerbaijan and the World Bank is implementing "Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project” (ACIP) in Azerbaijan. The overall objective of the Project is to facilitate the access of agricultural producers to markets by strengthening sanitary and phyto-sanitary services, enhancing selected value chains and providing financial services to agribusiness enterprises. The Project would further promote agribusiness/food processing through providing the access to finance to improve theirtechnologies and increase production and upgrade and modernize the plant protection service and veterinary services. The Project also facilitates development of selected high-value chains through a series of activities and interventions targeted at key constraints in the functioning of marketing chains of agricultural commodities. Finally, the Project will support a focused food safety capacity building program for both public and private sector.

The project consists of four components:

• Component A – Support for sanitary and phytosanitary services;

• Component B - Agri-food value chain development;

• Component C – Financial services to agribusiness;

• Component D - Project Management.

The Project is managed by the Agro Credits and Development Agency (ACDA), which is the Ministry of Agriculture’s agency for overseeing international agricultural development projects, primarily through the Project Management Unit (PMU) established within ACDA.

Sub-component A2:

This sub-component focuses on strengthening pest diagnostic, pest control and pest risk analysis capacity of the Azerbaijan Food Safety Agency (AFSA) through upgrading laboratories, targeted technical assistance and training. Amongst activities initiated and successfully completed by ACIP in the abovementioned scope was development of an Atlas of Quarantin Pests for Azerbaijan. The Atlas is an Inspectors’ Manual to provide up-to-date biological information and equip phytosanitary inspectors at inspection points and inspecting consignments with documentation material, including imaging of quarantine pests for Azerbaijan. The Atlas has been prepared by the groups of scientists with support of the project.

The objective of the Assignment

The objective of assignment to develop the electronic – web format of ATLAS system on Quarantine Pests for Azerbaijan in order to increase the its outreach and functional capabilities.

The electronic version of ATLAS is expected to be built on all platform-supported web pages.

Duration of the task

The assignment is considered to be implemented within 50 calendar days. The task is expected to be implemented in August-September 2020.

Working arrangements

Consultant will work closely with Client (Agro Credits and Development Agency (ACDA) and PIU.

Qualification and Experience requirements

• University degree in Computer Science or IT;

• Minimum 5 years’ proven experience in web-designing; availability to demonstrate the prepared webpages;

• At least three years experience in Application Development;

• Proven experience Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Flash;

• Previous experience with World Bank - funded projects and understanding of its requirements is preferable

• Good command of English and Azerbaijani writing skills is advantage;

• Good inter-personal and communication skills.

The Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project now invites eligible Local Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested Consultants should provide detailed CV and respective information, demonstrating that they have the required qualifications.

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 edition, revised July 2014 ("Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interests.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultancy method set out in the Consultant Guidelines.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by July 17, 2020.

Agency for Agro Credit and Development under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan/Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project

Attn: Mr. Anar Azimov

Project Director

AZ1108, Ziya Bunyadov avenue 1965, Chinar Park Business Center, Baku, Azerbaijan

Tel: (+99 412) 525 01 18

E-mail:[email protected];

[email protected];

[email protected];

[email protected];

[email protected],

[email protected]

Web: www.akia.gov.az

Further information can be obtained at the address above during office hours 09:00 - 18:00

Digər Xəbərlər


XƏBƏR LENTİ Bütün xəbərlər






Hamımızın Azərbaycan adlı bir Vətəni var! Qoynunda dünyaya göz açdığımız, minbir nemətindən dadıb isti qucağında boya-başa çatdığımız bu əvəzolunmaz diyar azərbaycanlı adını qürur və iftixarla daşıyan hər kəs üçün müqəddəs və ülvidir.
Müzəffər Ali Baş Komandan İlham Əliyevin rəhbərliyi ilə Azərbaycan Ordusu Vətən müharibəsində zəfər çalaraq erməni işğalçılarını kapitulyasiyaya məcbur etdi, düşməni qovaraq ərazi bütövlüyünə nail oldu.
Bununla da Azərbaycan yeni inkişaf dövrünə qədəm qoydu.
Bu dövrdə dünyada mürəkkəb və ziddiyyətli proseslər davam etməkdədir!
Hələ də dünyada ədalətsizliklər mövcuddur!
Hələ də dünyada ikili standartlar var!
Hələ də dünyada güclülər zəiflərin haqqını tapdalamaq istəyir!
Odur ki, biz daima güclü olmalıyıq.
Güclü olmağın əsas şərti isə bizim birliyimizdir!
Dünyanın harasında yaşamağımızdan, hansı sahədə çalışmağımızdan asılı olmayaraq, əlbir və əlaqəli fəaliyyət göstərməyi bacarmalıyıq.
Azərbaycan naminə, onun dünyada yeri, yüksək nüfuzu uğrunda daim birlikdə mübarizə aparmalıyıq.
Yalnız bu halda anamız Azərbaycanı qoruya, yüksəldə və hamımız üçün qürur mənbəyinə çevirə bilərik.
Ulu yurdumuzun adını daşıyan "Azərbaycan" qəzeti də bu amala xidmət edir.
Əziz azərbaycanlılar! Sizi Azərbaycan naminə, övladlarımızın firavan və xoşbəxt gələcəyi uğrunda əlbir və əlaqəli fəaliyyətə çağırıram!

